Allied Health Insights Vol.1 No.20: Building Research Capacity in Allied Health
Allied Health Insights is a fortnightly newsletter published by AHP Workforce, a wholly owned subsidiary of HealthWork International, offering thought-provoking and incisive commentary on issues that affect the allied health professional space.
For the latest edition of Allied Health Insights, we look at research capacity building in allied health from three points of view—from the ‘front line’, in a low resource context, and from a management perspective:
- Allied health research capacity building is a long game, where collaboration and responsiveness are key. Monash University allied health researcher and manager of research capability building with Western Alliance, Dr Olivia King reflects on the last five years of her work in research capacity building and shares some of her key learnings.
- 7 Ways To Be A Research Enabling Manager: managers don’t need to have PhDs or be experienced researchers to support a positive team and organisational research culture.
- We take a look at what a resource-poor setting looks like, and the strategies that can be used to build capacity in these types of settings.
- Under the microscope for the latest ‘A to Z of Allied Health’: we do a PCR test on medical scientists, members of a critical yet somewhat invisible allied health profession—medical scientists have continued to play an essential role in tracking viral mutations during the COVID-19 pandemic.