Proudly Exhibiting at the 14th SARRAH National Conference
HealthWork International is proud to be a sponsor and online exhibitor at this year’s National Rural and Remote Allied Health Conference, presented by the Services for Australian Rural and Remote Allied Health (SARRAH) peak body.
This year’s conference will provide collaborative opportunities for people who live in rural and remote areas and work in allied health sector, offering the chance to share knowledge, perspectives, and best practices.
Speaking at this year’s conference is Ben Turnbull, CEO of A.H.A.N.A. (the Allied Health Assistants’ National Association Ltd), the peak registration body for allied health assistants in Australia. HealthWork International has continued to provide A.H.A.N.A. with strategic and governance support, as well as develop a membership framework. Find out more here.
The SARRAH National Conference has a strong reputation as one of the best allied health conferences in Australia. It is the centrepiece of SARRAH’s engagement with our members and with all allied health professionals, service providers, academics, students, and state and Commonwealth governments working to ensure equitable health outcomes for rural and remote Australians. In 2022 the purpose of our gathering is to share knowledge and thought leadership in the rural and remote allied health sector while networking with new and old friends.
This year’s theme – People, Purpose Passion: Pathways to Success – will bring together committed health professionals with a shared vision of building our community of change agents, so that rural and remote Australians have access to the healthcare they need to stay whole, healthy, and fully participating in society. Together we will explore rural career pathways, contemporary practice, and consider the health system reforms needed to improve access to allied health services for vulnerable Australians. If you are interested in contributing to sustainable and resilient rural and remote communities, this conference is for you.
SARRAH is the peak body representing allied health professionals working in all settings across rural and remote Australia. SARRAH develops and provides services for allied health professionals to carry out their work with confidence so that people living in rural and remote communities have access to the allied health services needed to support their health and well-being.