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Strengthening regulation of the naturopathy profession – Public Consultation

Newly appointed Senior Policy Advisor at HealthWork Solutions, Dr Anne-Louise Carlton, has played a key role in preparing a submission on behalf of the Australian Naturopathic Council (ANC) that has been released for consultation.


In October 2020, the ANC initiated a research project on the risks, the benefits, and the regulatory requirements for the profession of naturopathy (including Western herbal medicine). Known as the Naturopaths Regulation Research Project (the NRR Project), the aim of the research is to gather information to support a submission from the ANC member organisations to State, Territory, and Commonwealth Governments, seeking the inclusion of naturopaths in the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme for the health professions (NRAS).

Read more about the consultation HERE.

About HealthWork Solutions and AHP Association Management

HealthWork Solutions (a wholly owned subsidiary of HealthWork International) and its AHP Association Management division provides secretariat support and management to member-based associations that support allied health professions and affiliated occupations. The expert support provided by AHP Association Management to clients in these functions enables boards to focus on delivering higher value services to members and reduce their reliance on volunteers or staff. 


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  • Lauren Schneider (General Manager HealthWork Solutions/AHP Association Management)